Friday, July 06, 2012

Silverlight debug problem & solution

You can run a Silverlight project, but can not debug the Silverlight code. The debug point is not reached at all. What could be the reasons & how to solve it?

1. Is this issue with any silverlight applications on your machines or a specific app?To know this you can create a test silverlight app & try to debug that.

2a. if issue with all sl apps, check if Silverlight runtime is same developer_runtime, if not install it

2b. if issue is with specific app, in vs web-project properties make sure that the debugging check boxes are, sql-no asp-yes silverlight-yes native-no

3b. if 2b does not work then, check if the website is actually using right xap? - Remove Silverlight app from website - Delete whole ClientBin folder - Add SL app again

Does anyone has additional steps to resolve this (based on experience) ??