Thursday, May 24, 2012

How to store and read news/articles offline?

So you are someone who regularly reads articles/news items from news/tech site or a blog
There is a technique to store these in your smart-phones/tablet & read them offline! and its automatic

Step 1: Create your ifttt account (if not already)

Step 2: Create your Pocket ( account.

Step 3: Get url your favourite feed for example
Seth Godin's feed (
or Most commected TOI articles (

Step 4: Install Pocket on your Smartphone or tablet

Step 5: Go to ifttt website & create a task
If 'new items' in your feed
Then 'Save for later' to your pocket

That is all you need..
ifttt will read the feed & give them to pocket, which will save articles when you are online & you can read them later.. offline!

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